
Ivan Pupulidy, PhD

Ivan Pupulidy is currently the Director of the U.S. Forest Service, Office of Innovation and Organizational Learning (IOL), where he builds communities of practice focused on sensemaking, innovation and relationship building. Ivan created the Learning Review, a human-centric process that replaced traditional accident investigation and has expanded into a framework for organizational learning and cultural change.

Ivan’s ability to integrate academic research with real world application comes from his varied life pursuits, which have included work as a mine geologist, exploration geophysicist, and a U.S. Coast Guard pilot for rescue and law enforcement missions. Ivan served in the U.S. Air Guard and Air Force Reserves, where he flew the C-130 Hercules as a MAFFS tanker pilot on wildland fires. He also led active military operations for combat and humanitarian support in Iraq, Afghanistan and Central Africa.

Ivan completed his PhD through Tilburg University, Netherlands, in conjunction with the Taos Institute. Ivan also earned a Master’s of Science Degree in Human Factors and Systems Safety at Lund University, Sweden, under the direct supervision of Professor Sidney Dekker,

Ivan is an international speaker and organizational coach on topics related to human factors, the “New View” of human error, real-time risk perspectives, holistic safety, learning from events (both pre and post-accident), organizational dialogue, development of high-leverage learning products, and the development of practices to increase performance based on resilience & high reliability organizing principles.

Crista Vesel, MSc

Crista Vesel, MSc

Crista Vesel is the Dynamic Inquiry blog administrator and the manager for Dynamic Inquiry LLC.

Crista has a B.A. degree in Communications and Philosophy from the University of New Mexico and a Masters of Science degree in Human Factors and Systems Safety from Lund University Sweden. She specializes in language and writing and is a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner. Crista has contributed to numerous Serious Accident Investigations and Learning Reviews for U.S. government agencies.

Crista is also a professional equestrian and teaches French-Iberian dressage, saddle fitting, and natural healing techniques. Her passions include world travel, falconry and constant learning – all of which she shares with her husband, Ivan Pupulidy. Crista and Ivan live in Boise Idaho with their German Shepherd, Doberman, horses, cats, and falcons.

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